Private Practice Manager
Tel: 077 8867 5696

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    Clinic Locations

    King’s Private, The Guthrie Clinic
    King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill
    London SE5 9RS
    Tel: +44(0)20 3299 3192
    For more information please visit:

    King’s Private provides private care to UK and international patients at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. King’s is one
    of the most prestigious teaching Trusts in London providing local, regional, national and international clinical expertise.

    The London Clinic
    119 Harley St.
    London W1G 6AU
    Tel: +44 20 7616 7768
    For more information please visit:

    Established in Harley Street in 1932, the London Clinic is one of the UK’s largest and most renowned independent hospitals providing exceptional medical care to thousands of patients every year.

    The London Independent Hospital
    1 Beaumont Square
    London E1 4NL
    Tel: 020 7780 2400
    For more information please visit:

    The Blackheath Hospital
     40-42 Lee Terrace, Blackheath
     London SE3 9UD
    Tel: 020 8318 7722
    For more information please visit:

    Hendon Hospital
    46/50 Sunny Gardens Rd
    London NW4 1RP
    Tel: 020 8457 4500
    For more information please visit:

    All hospitals are part of the Circle Health Group, Britain’s largest provider of independent healthcare. Our commitment is to quality and value, providing facilities for advanced surgical procedures together with friendly, professional care.